Friday, April 24, 2009

takde sebab nak malu, sorok-sorok muka lagi

.. untuk mengaku anda (cover line nih) adalah mati-susah kipas atau dalam bahase senang sket ,die-hard fan kepada sedare shah indrawan. isk sape nih?

TOMOK daa..

ok memanglah saya takdelah tahap die-hard fan beliau tapi saya ngaku saya adela minat beliau
masa zaman 'sejarah mungkin berulang' ..heheh

tapi takde sebab nak malu lagi kan sekarang cos contestant the hottest season yet of one in a million (OIAM) ni memang calon feveret ramai in becoming the next millionaire(juare of kos).

at the very first time saya lihat beliau masa time audition, i admit i was really sceptical about him being in the show. mamat leleh tuh..(gelaran oleh mereka-mereka yang kini terpaksa hisap kahak masing2 di atas lantai..hoho)

and then he made it so the show. becoming one of the contestants.masa tuh saya dah 'wow! tomok..tak sangke dowh.."

i was still sceptical.

and he really opened my already-wide-eyes(ceh perasan) at the time he won his first immunity during the 2nd or the 3rd concert.can't proved that he has a lot to give rather than just jiwang2 and FYI, immunity ni diberi kepada contestant yang paling mantOp mase perform and it was given by judges plak tuh..bukan senang nak please-kan paul moss tuh.. and bile tengok performance dia memang banyak impovement in terms of vocal as compared to the then tomok.

and not only the judges yang impressed with tomok, even the voters are.
buktinya, sekarang whcih is already at the TOP 4 position, tomok is leading (yeay!) followed by esther, nine and weera.

one has to go before finals ..

and please1000000000x
let it be weera...or esther

saye mau lihat tomok dan dan nine di finals as much as i want akim and aril during the AF's finals nanti..

apa yang saya suka pasal OIAM is sebab dia tak banyak drama as compared to AF. takde la nak kenen2 si polan ngan si polan macam AF..

tapi saya juga sukakan drama sebab tuh saya layan jugak AF.
oklah tak bias,dua2 best.

sebenarnya, sekarang nih takde mende nak buat kat rumah sangat sebab tuh la layan reality shows nih.hehe

cakap pasal tomok teringat pada alin(kawan sekolah dlu) yang memang tak malu-malu admit gilekan tomok.hoho..sampai die menangis-nangis bila orang ejek tomok dia mamat jiwang, sore sengau etc..klaka bile ingat masa tuh.sekarang tak macam tu lagi kan alin??

ok btw malam ni penentu sape top 3 OIAM.
omg nervous2..

current mood :hungry.gif hungreeeeeeee

current music : heartquake- super junior feat yoochun, yunho


si gadis said...

huhu..sgate shuke tomok..hahaha
die da kayoo.yeay2

faradeeba said...

ye btol2
try dga lagu solo 1st die
rindu terhenti
lame2 layaaaan gak

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