..to the road of happiness..
Hehe comey kan die..
Dear god please take away all the sorrow,bless this soul with contentment..
La tahzan
..to the road of happiness..
Hehe comey kan die..
Dear god please take away all the sorrow,bless this soul with contentment..
La tahzan
Dengar2 nya lagi 2,3 minggu..
Wawawa nevesnya sy..agk2 mane la dicampaknya sy nih hehe
Slmat bbka puasa
Smtre tggu nak bbke ni jom bdoa..
Dngar2 makbul doa insyaAllah
Betapa senang mintak maaf dgn Dia,insyaAllah..
Tapi payahnya nak mengharap kemaafan manusia..siape2 je lah..bukan mnyalhkn sesiapa,tapi lumrahnya memang manusia nih tak sempurna.bukan semua pemaaf,bukan semua snang lupakan..
Diri sendiri nih pun sama :/
nways,looking forward for nxt week i guess..lpas g putrajaya send off all the docs ke jpa..my sis and i nak sgt pegi someplace yg ad beach..we're being melanchoic at the moment hehe
:'/ tapi yup idup kena trus and sblum im off to my workplace which tak tau la mane nti,i want a break and though i hate the beach haha,its the prfect place for both of us .like i said both of us are kinda melancholic skg nih hehe
plannya nak ke kuantan pantai tc tuh but since clearance dah selesai tru phone,maybe pegi someplace else..
kinda sucks being in this situation..the moment ure laughing having fun and all,tiba2 semacam plak..i mean just now abah b4 tdo asked me to lie down nxt to him smpai ttdo,to keep him company..its normal in our home,abah mmg manja cmtu dgn anak2 die
:-) eh
most of the i'd pass haha tapi td mcm xsmpai hati..and u see,as i lied there waiting for him to sleep..i held his hands and suddnly teary eyes lah plak.ifelt aad.i felt like i donno, all of a sudden a stream of emotions just raced in my mind. tried hiding it,luckily i
managed to.i know abah xsuka.tgk ak cmni
i feel sorry for him for not being a good daughter,not being a good eldest child of his,i feel sorry cos i kbow he likes children so much..i mean i know its gonna take some time for our fmly to have a small kid in the house now.poor abah no children in the house so ended up pampering us bdak2 besa gajah ni hahaha.. i know this is all silly to be thought of but like i said i am a bit melancholic skrang nih
:'/ hehe
excuse the ramblings
slmat bpuase
Watching glee wont be the same after this..
My sister and i are both gleeks..kinda hard processing this
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ni masa 2nd day masa bertugas utk sukan equestrian masa sukma..masa nih hati tgah :'( lagi tapi sucked it up jgak..see that smile.seems legit kan ;p |
No words can describe it.
I shoukd hate u but i can't.
I just couldnt.
Mesti dia bersenang lenang kat sane
Hate it how men can be over stupid stuff mcm ni cepat2
Kita ni bukan main susah nak lupa dia
Bila menangis selalunya fikir ada ke yang akan syang and terima aku macam dia dulu..
Rasa macam takde dah..
Bila dia yang sabar tu pun tak tahan, orang lain pun mesti lagi tak tahan..
Tapi fikir balik kenapa ada such thoughts
The right one would accept and love me just the way i am,without trying to change me or anything
He's out there somewhere
Just doa and try to be a good person
And the right person would come eventually
Cepat atau lambat
Abh cakap jodoh dah ditetapkan
Penyebab aje belum datang
Bulan puasa pun dah datang
Doa aje lah mintak kekuatan,kesabaran
Taknlama lagi nak kerja,akan dpt pengalaman baru,jumpa org baru,tinggal kat tmpat baru,layan kerrnah lagi mcm2 orang
Bila rasa susah selalu nak ad someone utk dengar mslah kita
Tapi kalau belum ada,menangis aje lah dengan Dia..mgkin Dia bagi mnda nih nak suruh aku lagi dekat ngn Dia..
Apsal dok repeat lgu i still believe nih
There's nothing more,nothing left to believe in and to have faith to anymore lah :/
i'll wait for u.
Whoever u are
Maaf lah kalau sapa2 tbaca meluat ngn post blog nih skarang,memang tengah jiwa pelik skarang nih
kalau mluat sila jgn baca..anda dpt dosa kering ja mngutuk sy..sy tau sbb ad few ppl pnah mention bace blog nih snyap2..sy xmarah sbb trafik blognsy jalan jer
its not easy
There are times. .quite a few actually,that i dont wish to get over this..tadi,tengok gmbar makanan sedap teringat dia,tengok kfc teringat dia,tengok baju hitam bergantung kat kedai teringat dia,nampak shawl pashmina teringat dia,dengar lagu lucky teringat dia,tengok coklat kinder bueno teribgat dia
Oiii hape nih farah
Tapi ada masa boleh laughed at this thing,and also bila time tuh sangat nak get over benda nih..
Sabar lah baru bbrpa hari nih. . :')
Enjoying singlehood once again.
Its kinda odd cos now ive been used to havibg someone with me to talk to etc but at the time i was with somwone i felt like i was a singleton. .identity crisis maybe
Oh for the record i wasnt being dumped,screw people who think so.
It was a.mutual decision..the relationship was beyond saving already.though it being mutually decided,i'd say that the troublemaker was ehem yours truly actually..
So being this mischievous troublemaker.. he coulndt bare with moi anymore,and after i tried making amends in hope to save the pieces of us left,still to no avail..so no point being us.he couldnt forget/accept what did,i oso cannot stand being sullen treated lah..so bye2 awak
Its also decided.i cant continue with sukma alrrady.my heart's not in it..i know i should have sucked it up and just go along with it..but its too painful lah for now.the fact that this isnt compulsory,i did it just for money so whatever mcm abh ckap the money bole cari tmpat lain..i hardly believe he said that actually but whatever screw this..
Sukma is not really a bad thing actually.lots of things ive discovered..about people,social handling skills..and that what horrifies me the most how easy crrtain men can make advances on u little lady juat bcos they are superior than u..its another reason im leaving..super-awkward..i dint think i can face this man who only known me for 2,3 days and make generous yet inappropriate offer to have me tidur kat rumah dia throughout this event..i 1st thought it was a harnless joke bloke always use to flatter ladies,lagi2 mmg salu kna mtk tolong ngan abg nih so tpakse layan je la in the most casual tak bmksud ape2 manner.turnrd out he's being serious.uh oh.. Super awkward.i know he's charming good looking but gila lah kite ni org islam.eventhough i was not in a good emotional state due to this pre-break up, but i was still in a sound mind not to layan bnda cmnih..tapi kna kerja ngn dia lg ni la buat awkward gila nih. so leaving is the best idea tak nak aku jumpa org cmtuh lg..
Banyak lg perangai manusia jmpa..yg rase pelik and significant cos me being me, i hardly have the chance meeting new people outside my study/work based.meaningnjrg la nk bgaul ngn org bukan nerd,science stream nih..lain prasaan nya.
So now emm..i just wanna dok rmah..do the usual mourning stuff and all..stuff myself up with ice cream,sad breakup songs,sad movies (mcm atonement..nangis nk gila tgk cta nih)..i still need all these..i hope i can recover by the time of my practical..this raya wont feel the same..raya single la plak tahun nih.baru ja thn lpas jmpa auntie, auntie tnye farah bila lg..masa tuh tsyum malu aje lah, skang nih tbalkn muka la kot ckp baru breakup auntie.b4 puasa.oh pathetic gila it sound..crap nye da la kalau ikot turn ak skg nih..bila pk malaise nak mlwt sdara nih sbb soalan nih msti kluar :/
Kena enjoy being solo dlu nih..camna rasenya nak start all over again..rasa pelik..tapi i'll survive.skang nih bila tgk baby comel nak nangis ja rasa,lately ni mmg emotional skit..kalau ad jodoh,ade lah..kalau lmbat ke takde tuh sabar je lah farah ye :')
Skang in phase suma laki same je haha ampun lah kalau ad mamat mmne tbaca nih..ampun beribu ampun
Skang nih tgh dok je lah..layan..supposedly bas gerak ke MABA 11 am nih..dah gtau supervisor.en li was like ala awak nak ke mana..sy nak pergi mmbawa diri dan hati nih en li hahaha..xd la ak jawab cmtuh..pndai2 la ckp emergency..tak sure abah boleh amek tak lpas zhur ni kt ktm..lepak dlu la memana,drop bag kt kl sntral..wandering around..tgok wyg ka..haha..kalau mngis dlm tu pun org xpasan kan :'(