Thursday, September 25, 2008

15 mnde orang xtau pasal ak

1. ak sntiase pnah bharap housestair hrithik ngan sharukh akan tgugat dgn khadiran org ketige iaitu AKU..hahaha

2. sbb 2 la ak SANGATxinfinity mau ke india nanti ntok laksanekan misi jahat penting ak tuh..doakan ak bjaye tau

3. ak ni b'double eyelid dan bkulit glap lagi..motip ak tuleh mnde ni sbb musykil ngn bbpe orang kat bbpe tmpt (cth:txi,psr mlm) yg panggil ak amoi..r u being sarcastic??

4.mak ak plek bebena pesal anak die gle tol ngn industan..tym ngandung ak dlu die xpnah gle kat mne2 incik bangladesh mirip sharukh ke apetah lagi cam hrithik..ak pon musykil..korang tau ke nape? is my life..cant live without wonder certain people deem it as their religion

6.sperti chikah ,ak jge bkn insan sosial..privacy is precious..

7.tpi ak jge bkn manusie sumbang ,just penyenyap around people i rarely know( ak xgne istilah kera sumbang sbb ak xstuju ngn teori darwin yg ckp manusie evolve from apes..apeda)

8.mcm chikah gak..dlu ak bnci gle pink,time ak skola menenga dlu.siyes ak ade smcm allergy ngn pink smpi penin mate ak nengok esp yg striking tuh..tpi skg ni cadar katel ak pon da kale pink..ape kes eh?

9.ak ni agak skema..adekah sbb tuh ak ni prefect dlu?heh

10.ak xpnah gi mmne konsert.kat india apetah lagi kat msia ni..sedeh kan..

11.ak ske bace detektif conan..lame da xbace.sesape leh kasi pinjam?n same goes to archie comics. kekadang ak b'angan ak la c veronica lodge..h0ho (tapi ak xnak gilekan archie-kins tuh sampai asek gado ngan betty je..ak nk bhijrah kua dari riverdale n gi la nY ke LA ke..haha..poyo =p)

12. c cenad glekan kihae pairing, ak lak glekan the jodi(s) of srkajol n hrithikareena ..mereke padan bangat!!

13.walopon korean-stuff sdkit sbyk tlah mpengaruhi ak skang, thanks to cenad..heh, but india ttp di atiku..patriotik x ak??hahaha

14. tapi msia lagi la di atiku..klo la ak dpt fly, ak ttp mau balek sni n serve da country..h0ho lagi skli patriotik gak ak ni..kan?kan?kan?........cakap je ye

15.eventhough best nk balek umah nnti tp ak sangat tensi nak balek sabtu 27 ni cos abah sude m'disconnect'n umah dri teknologi yg melaghakan iaitu internet sbb sume ank btuah bliau tlah dan akan pekse taon ni..upsr,spm,SSABSA..huhu

ok chikah.done my part..tq sbab tag saye aritu..atleast bosan2 abeh xm ade mnde nk buat..(^-^)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

hepi 17th birthday key

still not too late to wish
today's birthday boy
sweeeet 17

sing 4me 'noona is so pretty' plzzzz..

Sunday, September 21, 2008

happy 28th birthday bebo

ure a year older today
but still, PRETTY as ALWAYS
looking forward 4ur marriage with saif
may god bless u *wink*

Saturday, September 20, 2008

adekah ini dipanggil kurang ajar?

situasi dalam bas mini :

bas ni xlah sesak tapi pnoh la sume seatnye..
seorang plajar dudok kat bhgian tpi tingkap
kat sblhnye sorang pompuan yg tue sket than die
ad sorang pakcik india yg die kre mmg sudah tue
based on physical appearancenye
dan berdiri..
plajar ini mmle xkesah tpi llme ksian mlhat pakcik ni bdri
tniat nk offer seat kt die
tpi mslhnye die dok kt tpi n bas tuh sdg bgrak
mnyukarkan pergerakan utk pnukaran seat..
niat di atinye pk nk offer lps mkck kat sblhnye tuh klua
tpi time tuh je ade sorang indian guy yg td bdiri tros dok sblh die
"erkkk...cmne nih?"detik ati plajar tsebot
mggunekan alasan yg tdi so die pon batalkan je niat tuh
sampai la at last pakcik tue tadi klua.
adekah die kurang ajar?

smoge ak xdlayan sbgtu nanti di ari tue ku...amin

Thursday, September 18, 2008


b4 i lay myself down atas katil n have a good nite sleep
there's really something i wanna shout out loud

I HATE U!!!!!!!!!!!
(how i wish this blog could somehow shout it out for me)

i wish we didnt meet at the 1st place and now im hoping that we can never meet again..NEVER.
amin..(smoge amin di bulan pose ni dikabulkan Allah) bleh nite world

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

saje merepek

time2 dkat nk buke pose ni..
ttbe ak t'pk
ak xsaba da nk abeskan sise hidop ak kt sni
ak xsaba nk kua
cpatnye mse jalan
ble pk nk ssbasa ak takot
tpi ble pk khdupan lps tuh ak nk cpat2 mse ni jalan

nk idop kat sni la yg xenaknye..

why??kenapa??kyu???pourquoi ??

siwon's chibi is no longer in the google image search page 5!!!!!!!!!!!
i remembered the page cos cenad just showed it to me last nite..
its only last nite and POOOFF!!
now its gone alredi..
y are they doing this to him??

somebody answer me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nway this is the chibi
i managed to save it last nite
but this 1 cannot animate..
2 yang geram!!

n this is the latest him (wif new n HOT hairstyle)...
my man..hehe

credit to miss siti nadiah 4da pics..=)


tadik housemate ak piya n cenad blk
from klia g anta membe diorang, aemy aka poye
yg dgn jayenye dapat further medic kat INDIA..
huhu syabbas beti!!

walopon ak personally xknal die n uniq(yg dapat jge ke INDIA)
tpi ak JELES HEPI ngn diorang..

yela..INDIA tuh
sape xnak gi INDIA??
sronot tol diorang..
hope korang sukses kat sne
n jgn lpe kem salam kt taj mahal ye

sedeh ni.............
k mau sambong chemistry

Monday, September 15, 2008

public embarassment!!!!!!!!

sedang ak mnjalankan kaki from 4seasons
stlh bli roti ntok bke pose
ngan xdisangke2


i fell down rite in front of the indian pakciks at the barber shop
next to 4seasons
saket lak tuh
tpi ak gagahkan gak bgun nk blah dri stu
without even looking at those pakciks
n then suddenly
alaaaaaaaaa pesal la diorang panggil ak ni??
ak pndang je diorg tnjk kat spec ak yg mlabuhkan drinye kat lantai
ngn mke slmbe skli ngan senyom yg dbuat2
ak tros amek n blah...

analisis2 cmne ak leh t'buat public embarassment yg maha dahsyat td:
- ak syiok sgt jln td sambil messaging..
- state ak sndrik yg rabon tpi xnak pki spec..padan mke
- da la dok msg2, tgk lagi vc industan kat kdai vdeo sblh kdai barber 2

conclusionnye pdan mke sndri le

p/s; saket lagi lutot afte jatoh td, tme sujud lagi trse..isk =(

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


camne nk ilangkan prasaan ni??
ak tensi ngn trial yg maken dekat ni..
ak akn cbe wat btol2
klo ekot post ak yg dlu tuh(i mentioned sumthing bout 'quitting')
well ble pk balek ak akn wat je leklok
no high all
sbb tuh mybe ak xksah kot xdapt conditional letter from monash tuh
no big deal...nway 4those yg dapat..congrats!
well i do hope 4da best..
but i cant promise anything
dpt xdpt keje tuhan
lgpon parents ak da bg green lite
n ketidakkesahan mrke itu melegekan ak
at least satu beban ak abes daaa...
mse mkn cpat, laju je die lari
bpeloh2 ak nk keja..hohoho
on da bright side acteli ak ske ngn kcptan mse ni jlan
thinking of the moment im gonna step out off hre
sronotnye time tuh..............................................................................


i'm relieved ...
n at the same time hepi also
for dat person who has finally getting over
tgk kat die pnye latest profile
yeah dat person seems hepi now
n no hard feelings between us..
baek sungguh die bg komen pose 2me..mekaseh =)

but there are still yg blom get over(tolong la paham ye) n also seem to be having hard feelings(sori)

sape2 la ntah

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


geram wif people who dont know the real condition of me
n then simply saying i made it up
pissed me off..REALLY!!!

feel da pain urself
then u only uve da rite to say on it
perhaps u patot kne dlu,baru tau!!!!!!!!

gram tol ngn manusie tuh..
xtau nk tuleh ape da
tapi again to dat TUT...............

u may badmouth bout me ONLY if u rase wut i suffer from kayh..
if ONLY i can make u rase camne gak..
if ONLY...................
but hows that possible??
so....mind ur words plz


Monday, September 8, 2008

i'm sick of SICKING..

get wut i mean?
well ak da bosan asyek saket je
ak sdar status ak yg b'prot sensetip ni
makan salah sket mle le wat hal
bkn prot je..naek smpi ke kple tuh
smpi klimaksnye mlm smlm
smpi kol 3-4lbh ak xleh tdo
pnye smcm nk pcah kple
g klinik pginye
cam ak agak doc ckp mnde same
prot awk ni sensitif, 1 o 2days ni jgn makan susu,pdas2,
klo leh jgn bli mkn kt bazar tuh(hasseenah 2008)
adess yg pdas tuh xleh tahan..
born a malay mmg pdas xleh pisah
emmm saket gak le jadi ak
soh korang jge le prot bebaek
jgn jd cam ak yg kne pntang itu ini =(
tpi ape pon alhamdulillah atas sume nikmatNYA

Monday, September 1, 2008


ape ak nk tuleh..well hopefully ramadhan ni akn dpt
tenangkan ati ak yg mmg tgh glo nih..amin

slmt bpose sume muslimin n muslimah
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