Thursday, May 16, 2013

Osce oh osce

Basically osce stands for
Objective structured clinical examination
Lebih kuran macam practical and oral exam for medical students

Tadi ada 7 stations
Diabetes mellitus,asthma,oral contraceptives,warfarin,dermatological,drug-related problem and last but not least medicine compounding.

Hmmmm how did it go eh..basically yg confident lbih skit kat dm (oha and cara guna insulinpen,counselling),warfarin,cara guna aerochamber utk mdi asma(eventhough dr omer kept giving me that somewhat cynical smile erkkkhh ape maksud die :/) ocp pun ok la,dermatological btul xbpe nak btul la jwb..tibai jwab seasonal psoriasis entah btol ke x :(

Tapi yg paling horror kat carik drp ngan buat solution tu la..aidoi sedih nye..rase mcm xfit lgsg nk jd clinical pmcist ngn commubity pmcist ni..nk cri drp blur gile tmbah ngan dr haniki yg emmm mmg ad aura semacam overall despite ni first time with him,  he was being vry helpful,tpi dah blur cmtu ntahla ape aku mngarut td :((((

Yg compounding jgn cite..oh god what a day.
Balik trus tdo..bile abah call td pn da :'(

A rapnye kat yg confident jwb tu ok la bleh la compensate ape yg takleh jwb tu esp kat drp ngn compounding..

Bace status rx8 kt fb pun,rata2 status lbh kurang aje..

'Learn from mistakes'
'blom fit jadi pmcists'
'dah usaha tawakal berserah doa'

Same la kite pun..
Bharap bole grad dgn ok
Selama ni bsyukur sgt ok and kalau rse truk pn alhamdulillah tkde sangkut mmne
Harapnye kali ni pun same

Final sem ni jgn buat hal lak weh :(

Nak tidur lg.tidur buat lupa masalah and improve mood.jom tdo

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